LABOCA is a multi-channel bolometer array for continuum observations. It was built by the bolometer (incoherent receivers) development group of the Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie in Bonn.
The instrument was first installed at APEX in September 2006. It was then continuously improved until the commissioning and science verification in May/June 2007. Since then it has been available for regular observations. The LABOCA observing is usually organised in dedicated time-blocks because the operation depends on the availability of liquid helium on site. These time-blocks will usually be announced in the corresponding calls for proposals.

If you plan to use LABOCA for your research for the first time it is highly recommended to have a look at this lecture by Axel Weiss on the instrument, that covers all different aspects from the instrument characteristics, to data reduction or calibration.
Publications based on data obtained with LABOCA should cite the following reference paper:
“The Large APEX BOlometer CAmera LABOCA”, G. Siringo et al., Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 497, Issue 3, 2009, pp.945-962 [2009A&A…497..945S]