In the last years, APEX has been significantly improved by upgrades of the antenna itself as well as new heterodyne instruments highly complementary to ALMA and other observatories. A new large-format, dual frequency continuum camera operating at 350 and 870 μm simultaneously is scheduled for installation this year. With operation currently secured until the end of 2025, the MPIfR is now looking into future operation options from 2026 on.
This workshop aims at presenting the APEX 2023 status to the Chilean mm/submm astronomical community and to start a dialogue about future mm/submm single dish science interests in Chile and a possible stronger future involvement in the APEX project. The workshop will take place on 3 and 4th of August 2023, at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC).
The workshop will cover the main aspects of the observatory from logistics and instrumentation to ongoing scientific programs and future science opportunities with APEX. We specifically invite contributions from the Chilean community on any of these topics and future interests related to mm/submm astronomy, including new developments on instrumentation and synergies with current and future observatories in Chile.
The workshop will close with a general discussion about opportunities for Chile in APEX from 2026 on.
Registration for the workshop is still open and talk and poster contributions can be proposed at:
Organising committee: Rolando Dünner (PUC), Michael Dumke (APEX/PUC), Carlos A. Durán (APEX/ESO), Eduardo Ibar (UV), Bernd Klein (MPIfR), Karl Menten (MPIfR), Manuel Merello (UCHILE), Rodrigo Parra (APEX/ESO), Juan-Pablo Pérez-Beaupuits (APEX/PUC), Nicolas Reyes (MPIfR), Axel Weiss (MPIfR), Friedrich Wyrowski (MPIfR)