Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment
Two bolometer arrays will be provided at APEX.LABOCADescriptionLABOCA (LArge BOlometer CAmera) will be a bolometer array operating in the atmospheric window at 870 micron (345 GHz). It will have 295 channels arranged in a hexagonal layout consisting of a center channel and 9 concentric hexagonals (Fig #1).The APEX beam size at this wavelength is 18" and the total field of view for LABOCA is 11.4'. Note that the array is undersampled on the sky; the separation between channels in one row is twice the beam size (36"). Therefore it is necessary to use special observing techniques such as scanning or jiggling to produce fully sampled maps (see below). Fig#1 Mechanical
layout of LABOCA
OBSERVING METHODSTo obtain fully sampled maps
it is necessary to move the array on the sky during observations. For
large maps this can be done by scanning in one direction and stepping
in the other, and for small maps (about the size of the array) by making
pointed observations in a pattern designed to fill in the gaps between
the channels (so called jiggling). SENSITIVITYIn order to estimate the sensitivity of each channel on the sky, we will use the values for the bolometer array SIMBA at SEST, which was manufactured using techniques similar to LABOCA. The sensitivity/channel of SIMBA is roughly 100 mJy s1/2. APEX is a 12m telescope compared to 15m for SEST, but the aperture efficiency of APEX will be higher because of its better surface accuracy. Therefore we expect to have a similar sensitivity of LABOCA on the sky. Typical zenith opacities at Chajnantor at 870 micron is about 0.1. For observations at 60 degrees elevation this gives a factor of e tau/sin 60°= 1.12. The channel sensitivity of LABOCA is therefore estimated to 110 mJy s1/2 outside the atmosphere at typical elevations for observations. TIME ESTIMATES FOR FULLY SAMPLED MAPS WITH SCANNING IN Az AND STEPPING IN El.We will here give expressions
to estimate the noise in the maps and the time it will take to produce
fully sampled maps by scanning the telescope in Az and stepping in elevation
(Fig #2). The scan speed in Az is VAz in "/s and the
stepsize, ,
in elevation is one third of the beamsize for a fully sampled map. The
telescope will need some time, tturn, to turn around for
each subscan. The mapsize is AZ x EL. The number of steps in El in a
map should be odd in order to assure that a full beam passes over the
map centre. The total time to produce such a map is therefore:
Note that a single map should not take more than 1.5h to complete. Otherwise the map may suffer from field rotation and possibly also bad baselines. Adjust the scan speed for small maps, and large maps can be divided into several smaller maps which are later mosaiced to produce the final large map. Fig#2 Schematic
of a typical LABOCA map. EXAMPLES OF MAPS
350 micron arrayAPEX will also have a 37-channel bolometer array operating at 350 micron (850 GHz). It will have a typical hexagonal bolometer design. |
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Last update : May 6, 2005