BoA Template Documentation
You have to execute the file "laboca.boa" in order to define the following functions:
redsky, redfoc, redmfoc, redpnt, redweak, redcal, redmap, redscans, redMultiScans, redbeam, do00, skyquality
SKYDIP. Reduces a bolotip (hot+skydip) measurement
with LABOCA. ScanNr is mandatory. As a output result you will receive the tau_z (optical detph). If tau_z is not specified, it will make a calculation taking as a reference the Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) from the radiometer.
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After the command processes some calculations. You will receive the following information: boa< I: ---- skydip results ---- |
FOCUS. Reduces a focus measurement with LABOCA, ScanNr is mandatory.
(focus on Saturn, i.e. Z axis). Necessary when wfz (wobbler focus) or fz was executed. For the other axis will be: wfy or fy and wfx or fx.
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After the command processes some calculations. You will receive the following information: boa< I: plotting signal |
FOCUS (mapping mode). Reduces a focus observed in spiral-mapping
mode with LABOCA. ScanNr is mandatory. Optional parameters: zenith opacity, list of subscans(5).
(mapfocus on CW-Leo, i.e. Z axis). Reduces five subscans and then it shows the result of the parabolic fit giving the focus correction. Command executed: mfz
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After the command processes some calculations. You will receive the following information: boa< L: Building a map with dimensions (x,y) = 51,51 |
POINTING. Reduces a LABOCA map on a pointing source. ScanNr is mandatory. Optional parameters: Zenith opacity.
(pointing on Carina), pspiral, pspirall observing commands.
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POINTING on a weak source. Reduces a LABOCA map on a pointing source. ScanNr is mandatory. Optional parameters: Zenith opacity, smoothing kernel (in arcsec).
(pointing on J2202+421), spiralras, spirallras observing commands.
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After the command processes some calculations. You will receive the following information: ##################### |
MAP for calibration/pointing. Reduces a LABOCA map on a secondary calibrator. ScanNr is mandatory. Optional parameters: Zenith opacity.
(pointing on G5.89), spiralras, spirallras commands.
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After the command processes some calculations. You will receive the following information: Solving for pointing on map... |
boa> redcal (54255) Primary Calibrator (planet)
(pointing on Uranus), pspiral, pspirall commands.
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After the command processes some calculations. You will receive the following information: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
MAP. Reduces
a LABOCA map on target source. ScanNr is mandatory. Optional parameters: Zenith opacity, ra1,ra2,dec1,dec2 = abs. Map limits in degree.
e.g. boa> redmap (1234)
MAP. Reduces
multiple scans (LABOCA map) on a target source and coadds the data. Optional parameters: Scan numbers (list), zenith opacity single value or list. Map size
is determined by the first scan in the list.
redMultiscans([ [Scan1,Scan2],[ ]...],[tau1,tau2..])
Reduces multiple LABOCA map on a target source and coadds the data.
1 --> [scan1,scan1N] first group tau
2 --> [scan2,scan2N] second group tau
N --> [scanN,scanNN] N group
The format to execute the macro:
redMultiScans(ScanList=[ [scan1,scan1N],[scan2,scan2N] ], update=1, smooth=18.0, calfile='', taufile='', modelfile='', weak=1, covclip=0.25, writeScans=0, update=1, ra1=0, ra2=0, dec1=0, dec2=0), update=1
Read a codded map file, when this option is used the ra1,ra2,dec1,dec2 should be define too.
ra1,ra2,dec1,dec2: the values are defined from the first scan reduced and saved in the log file.
Modelfile: Remove data model from the data, it can use after the first primary reduction.
BEAM-MAP. Reduces a LABOCA beam-map,
i.e. a fully sampled OTF map on planet.
ScanNr is mandatory. Optional parameters: Zenith opacity.
ON-OFF Reduction.
NAME: doOO (function), it processes a list of ON-OFF scans.
For this specific command, please refer to another page clicking here
Print measure of sky noise in sec. and min. scale. This macro gives an estimate of the quality of the sky.
It prints two numbers: sky emission rms on scales of 1 sec and 1 min.
INPUT: scanNr is mandatory, refCh (optional, default = 71), time2: time (in sec.) for 2nd time scale (default = 30), doplot: if true, it generates plots showing signals, sliding mean, and the difference (default: doplot=1)
OUTPUT: returns scanNr, meanPWV, result1, sdev1, result2, sdev2.