New APEX staff astronomer

APEX welcomes to Dr. Manuel Merello as a new staff member. Dr. Merello will give observing support and coordination with MPI staff astronomers. Dr. Merello has been Project Scientist for APEX chilean time since October 2019. Welcome Manuel to the Read More …

APEX Support Astronomer Opportunity: 

The Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) Observatory and the Millimeter and Submillimeter Astronomy Department of the Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie (MPIfR) in Bonn, Germany, in collaboration with the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC) in Santiago, are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral Read More …

It was a beautiful CONCERTO

The CONCERTO instrument era -at APEX- ended with the removal of the instrument from the APEX telescope C-cabin. CONCERTO was fully installed and commissioned during 2020 and 2021, in the middle of the hard restrictions due to the pandemic (https://neel.cnrs.fr/institut-neel/science-societe/concerto) Read More …

APEX-OP23+ in full swing

After an unusually long altiplanic winter that extended into April 2023, APEX is back in full Science Operations. A lot happened during the summer maintenance (a.k.a. Summer Shutdown 2023) that was heavily affected by the bad weather. Still, all critical Read More …