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Home > Instrumentation > LABOCA > BoA (BOlometer Array Analysis Software)

BoA (BOlometer Array Analysis Software)

Background information

BoA is a newly designed software package for the reading, handling, and analysis of bolometer array data. Its design and implementation is a collaborative effort of scientist at the MPIfR, AIfA, AIRUB, and IAS that was started in 2002. The primary goal of BoA is to handle data from LABOCA at APEX, both for online visualization and offline processing. BoA can also be used to process data acquired with other instruments such as ASZCa at APEX or MAMBO at the IRAM 30-meter telescope. BoA includes most of the relevant functionalities of the current reduction packages (MOPSIC, NIC, SURF). The major difference to them is that BoA is written in a programming environment that is (hopefully) easier to modify, maintain, and re-use. Moreover, BoA naturally interface with APECS and the MBfits format.

For more information, visit the BoA wiki page (hosted by the University of Bonn).

BoA download

The latest version can be downloaded from the ESO LABOCA web page
The BoA documentation and license agreements are included in the download.